Does Apple Sauce Have a Lot of sugar

Does Apple Sauce Have A Lot Of Sugar And Which Are Lowest In Sugar?

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Does apple sauce have a lot of sugar and which are lowest in sugar? Apple sauce. It is either the stuff we put into our kids’ lunchboxes (I know my kids get a cup of apple sauce each morning in their lunchboxes) or smother onto our dinner at Thanksgiving. Even though we feel pretty good giving apple sauce to our kids – should we? Does apple sauce contain a lot of sugar? And which apple sauces are the lowest in sugar? In this post, I will be answering all these questions. To do this, I have randomly selected nine apple sauce brands and collated the total sugar contents per serving. I then put these apple sauces together in descending order of sugar content in this article. That means you want to make sure to read right to the end to find out which apple sauce in this experiment contains the least sugar.

So, let’s dig in – does apple sauce have a lot of sugar and which apple sauces are lowest in sugar?

Does Apple Sauce Have a Lot of sugar - Apple Sauce

How Much Sugar is in Apple Sauce?

As a general rule, sweetened apple sauce contains 21g-22g of total sugar per serving, which is fairly high. Unsweetened Apple sauce, in comparison, contains 11g-13g of total sugar and 0g of added sugar per serving.

Before I continue, if you are interested in finding out about the sugar content of other fruit-based snacks then make sure to check out the following post I wrote – Uncovering the Truth: Are Fruit Snacks High in Sugar?

Ranking Nine apple sauces based on sugar content

Ranking Nine Apple Sauces Based on Sugar Content

In this section, I will be comparing the sugar content of nine different brands of apple sauce to help you find the best low-sugar option. The list descends from highest to lowest sugar content.

1. Mott’s Apple Sauce – 22g of Total Sugar

*Sweetened with high fructose corn syrup*

Let’s kick off the article with what is probably the most well-recognized apple sauce brand out there – Mott’s. If you love Mott’s Apple sauce but are watching your sugar intake you should try their sugar-free apple sauce instead (see below entry number 9). This is because Mott’s regular apple sauce is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup and contains 22g of total sugar, 13g of which are added, in a serving.

2. Musselman’s Chunky Apple Sauce – 21g of Total Sugar

*Sweetened with sugar

Musselman’s chunky apple sauce isn’t too much better in the sugar department. This apple sauce is sweetened with sugar and contains 21g of total sugar per serving. Just as well there are so many added sugar free apple sauces available nowadays. Which leads me to my next entry.

3. GoGo squeeZ Fruit on the Go Apple Sauce – 13g of Total Sugar

If you are looking for an unsweetened apple sauce pouch to throw into your kid’s lunchbox, then GoGo SqueeZ is a great option. There is of course no added sugar and 13g of total sugar per serving. Our daughters love the jokes at the bottom of the pouches. If you want to see if your kids enjoy them too, they can be found on Amazon here.

4. Santa Cruz Organic Apple Sauce – 12g of Total Sugar

If you love the sound of unsweetened apple sauce to add to your kids’ lunch boxes, but you also want it to be organic, then look no further than Santa Cruz Organic Apple Sauce. Their apple sauce cups are organic and of course, added sugar free. Win.

There are 12g of total sugar per serving and they can be found on Amazon here.

5. 365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Unsweetened Apple Sauce – 12g of Total Sugar

Another organic unsweetened apple sauce that contains 12g of total sugar per serving comes from 365. You can grab some next time you are at Whole Foods Market or get them from Amazon here.

6. Musselman’s Unsweetened Applesauce – 12g of Total Sugar

I established above that Musselman’s apple sauce contains 21g of total sugar per serving. But how about Musselman’s unsweetened apple sauce? How much sugar does that contain? Well, the good news is – almost half the sugar content.

There are 0g of added sugar and 12g of total sugar per serving of Musselman’s unsweetened apple sauce.

7. North Coast Organic Honeycrisp Apple Sauce – 12g of Total Sugar

If Honeycrisp apple sauce is your thing, then you will be pleased to note that you can also get added sugar free versions. North Coast Organic Honeycrisp apple sauce contains 12g of total sugar per serving and can be found on Amazon here.

8. Eden Organic No Sugar Added Applesauce – 12g of Total Sugar

Eden Organic no sugar added apple sauce also contains 12g of sugar. You can find Eden Organic No Sugar Added Apple Sauce on Amazon here.  

I am starting to notice a trend here on the sugar content of no added sugar apple sauces.

9. Mott’s No Sugar Added Granny Smith Applesauce – 11g of Total Sugar

The highest sugar apple sauce on this list comes courtesy of Mott’s. But guess what? So does the lowest-sugar apple sauce on this list. That’s right – there are just 11g of total sugar per serving in Mott’s No Sugar Added Granny Smith Apple Sauce.

You can see for yourself on Amazon here.


Sugar In Apple Sauce F&Q

How Much Added Sugar Is In Apple Sauce?

Sweetened apple sauce tends to contain 21g-22g of total sugar per serving.

Does Mott’s Apple Sauce Have A Lot Of Sugar?

Mott’s sweetened apple sauce is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup and contains 22g of total sugar per serving.

How Much Sugar Is In Mott’s Unsweetened Apple Sauce?

Mott’s unsweetened apple sauce contains 0g of added sugar and 11g of total sugar per serving.

Does Apple Sauce Have a Lot of sugar - Apple Sauce with spoon

Does Apple Sauce Have A Lot Of Sugar And Which Are Lowest In Sugar? – The Final Bite

Does apple sauce have a lot of sugar and which are the lowest in sugar? What have we learned from the above? Well, when it comes to apple sauce you need to accept that there are no completely sugar-free versions. This is because apples naturally contain sugar. However, there are several no added sugar brands of apple sauce. By opting for one of these over regular apple sauce you can save yourself as much as 10g of sugar per serving. That is a big difference. Big enough for me to pick the no added sugar apple sauces available.

And Remember…

Low Sugar Drinks at McDonald's

Ingredients and/or manufacturing processes may change. Always double-check ingredient lists and nutritional information before purchasing any food items.


Do you want to learn about some other low-sugar options at your favorite coffee chains, fast food, or restaurant joints, or just while you are shopping for groceries? If you do, then check out some of my other articles below: