Best sugar free drinks at Dutch Bros you need to try. In this post, I am going to be sharing with you the 10 best sugar free drinks you can find at Dutch Bros. Dutch Bros is known for creating some pretty amazing drinks … German Chocolate Mocha, anyone? Or how about a Peach Ring Rebel? Or if that doesn’t work for you how about an Iced White Chocolate Lavender Cold Brew? Whilst these drinks all sound delicious how much sugar goes into them? If you love Dutch Bros – what exactly are some of the best lowest sugar drinks available on the menu? In this post, I am going to tell you all the best sugar free options.
What are the Best Sugar Free Drink Options at Dutch Bros?
As a general rule, the main sugar free “as-is” drinks on the Dutch Bros menu are the Americano, Cold Brew, and Nitro Infused Cold Brew. Dutch Bros does have a number of sugar free syrups and sauces available so you can still order a flavorsome sugar free drink at Dutch Bros by adding sugar free sauce or syrup.

Sugar Free vs Low Sugar Drinks at Dutch Bros
Dutch Bros. It’s that coffee place you go when you want a super flavorsome coffee with multiple flavored syrup added! Dutch Bros may have some super fun drinks, but it is not renowned as being one of the lowest sugar-friendly coffee joints.
I have written a post before on 21 of the best lower sugar drinks at Dutch Bros (which you can read here – The Lowest Sugar Drinks at Dutch Bros). But what about if lower sugar isn’t good enough? How about if you are looking for a sugar free drink from Dutch Bros?
Well, there are actually options!
Sugar Free Drinks at Dutch Bros
There are only 3 drinks on the Dutch Bros menu that are sugar free if ordered as-is. However, the good news is that Dutch Bros has an amazing selection of sugar free syrups and sauces which you can use to spruce up any drink.
Dutch Bros Sugar Free Syrups
Dutch Bros have sugar free white chocolate, chocolate, caramel, vanilla, chocolate macadamia nut, hazelnut, Irish cream, coconut, raspberry, peach, and strawberry syrups/sauces.
When you compare the fact that Starbucks currently only has a sugar free vanilla syrup (you can read more about Starbucks’ lower sugar options here – 34 Best Low Sugar Starbucks Drinks), you realize that a lot of sugar free drinks can be ordered at Dutch Bros with some customizations.
So, let’s dig in, what are the best sugar free drinks at Dutch Bros?

The Best Sugar Free Drinks at Dutch Bros
All the below drinks do not have milk added. Milk always contains sugar (whether that be added or naturally occurring) so to zero the sugar content you will want to avoid adding milk.
You can of course order your Dutch Bros drink with milk, but just remember it won’t be fully sugar free then.
1. Americano
First up on this list, we have an Americano. An Americano is essentially an espresso topped up with hot water. Perfect for when you want a simple caffeine hit but need it in a long drink to savor over a longer period.
An Americano at Dutch Bros (like everywhere else) is sugar free.
2. Cold Brew
The cold brew at Dutch Bros is one of the other sugar free as-is drinks on the menu. The cold brew at Dutch Bros is “refreshing, smooth and bold”. It is less acidic than traditional coffee and packed with more caffeine.
3. Nitro-Infused Cold Brew
If you want a next-level cold brew at Dutch Bros that is still sugar-free then try their Nitro Infused Cold Brew. The nitro-infused cold brew at Dutch Bros is smooth and creamy yet still sugar free!
4. Toasted Nitro-Cold Brew with Sugar Free Chocolate Sauce
If you want a warming coffee drink at Dutch Bros that kind of resembles a mocha but without any of the sugar, then make sure to order a toasted nitro cold brew with sugar free chocolate sauce.
What do you get?
All the chocolatey coffee vibes but none of the sugar. The nitro element will make your drink creamy, so you won’t even miss the milk.
5. Irish Cream Americano
The next drink on this list is inspired by the ever-popular Kicker drink at Dutch Bros. The Kicker is espresso, half half and Irish cream syrup. However, a large iced kicker contains 60g of sugar eeek!
Well, Dutch Bros actually have a sugar free Irish cream syrup. This means can you order an Americano with sugar free Irish cream syrup. The result? An espresso Irish Cream based drink with all of the kicker vibes but none for the sugar.
You can add some milk to your drink, but this will of course add some sugar (whether added or naturally occurring).
6. Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cold Brew
The next drink is inspired by the “Annihilator” at Dutch Bros. The annihilator is made up of espresso, half half and chocolate macadamia nut syrup. However, a large iced annihilator contains 52g of sugar.
You can order your own sugar free iced “annihilator” dupe by ordering a cold brew with sugar free chocolate macadamia nut syrup. Win!
If you want a creamy element to this drink, then order yours with the nitro cold brew.
7. Caramel and Chocolate Cold Brew
The next sugar free drink on this list is inspired by the Caramelizer at Dutch Bros. The Caramelizer consists of cold brew, chocolate milk, and caramel sauce.
If you order a cold brew with sugar free caramel and sugar free chocolate sauce, you pretty much have ordered yourself a sugar free Caramelizer dupe.
8. Hazelnut Cold Brew
The next sugar free Dutch Bros drink on the list is a simple one but a good one. A cold brew with sugar free hazelnut syrup. What do you end up with? All the sugar free coffee hazelnut vibes.
9. Chocolate Hazelnut Cold Brew
You can also take your Dutch Bros Hazelnut Cold Brew to another level by ordering it with sugar free chocolate sauce too.
You will end up with a sugar free “Nutella” style coffee with all the chocolate, hazelnut, and coffee notes. Yum!
On that note if you are interested in the best lower sugar chocolate hazelnut spreads out there you can read more about them in the post I wrote on the topic – Are There Sugar Free Nutella Alternatives.
10. White Chocolate Americano
The final drink on this list is a sugar free take on a white chocolate mocha. If you order an Americano with sugar free white chocolate syrup you will end up with a warming take on a sugar free white chocolate mocha.
If you want a creamy element to this drink, you can order it with a nitro-infused cold brew instead – but you can only order the nitro-infused cold brews iced and not hot.

Sugar Free At Dutch Bros F&Q
Is Anything Sugar Free At Dutch Bros?
The Americano, Cold Brew, and Nitro Infused Cold Brews are the main sugar free drinks at Dutch Bros. Dutch Bros also have sugar free version of the following syrup/sauce flavors – white chocolate, chocolate, caramel, vanilla, chocolate macadamia nut, hazelnut, Irish cream, coconut, raspberry, peach, and strawberry.
Does Dutch Bros Coffee Have Sugar Free Syrups?
Dutch Bros Coffee has the following sugar free syrups/sauces white chocolate, chocolate, caramel, vanilla, chocolate macadamia nut, hazelnut, Irish cream, coconut, raspberry, peach, and strawberry.
Does Dutch Bros Have Sugar Free Caramel?
Dutch Bros does have a sugar free caramel.
Can Dutch Bros Make A Sugar Free Caramelizer?
Dutch Bros do not make a sugar free Caramelizer as they do not have a sugar free chocolate milk. You can, however, order a cold brew or iced Americano with sugar free caramel and sugar free chocolate sauce and it will be fairly reminiscent of a Caramelizer.

The 10 Best Sugar Free Drinks at Dutch Bros You Need To Try – The Final Bite
Best sugar free drinks at Dutch Bros? If you want a super fun drink, let’s face it – you want to go to Dutch Bros. However, whilst Dutch Bro makes some pretty amazing drinks, these are not the most sugar friendly items. The good news is that thanks to Dutch Bros amazing selection of sugar free syrups you can turn any “basic” version of their coffee drinks into something super flavorsome and special!
And Remember…

Ingredients and/or manufacturing processes may change. Always double-check ingredient lists and nutritional information before purchasing any food items.
Do you want to learn about some other low-sugar options at your favorite coffee chains, fast food, or restaurant joints, or just while you are shopping for groceries? If you do, then check out some of my other articles below: