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Fun fact, did you know that mayonnaise is the most popular condiment in the USA. Yes, that’s right, even more popular than ketchup. Traditionally mayonnaise is made from emulsifying eggs and oil with some type of acid (usually vinegar or lemon juice). Used to make dressings, on salads, in a sandwich, or as a dip for fries – mayonnaise has a variety of uses, but what are the best added sugar free mayonnaises available? In this post I will be sharing 7 added sugar free mayonnaises with you.
Which Mayonnaise Has No Sugar?
The following mayonnaises do not contain any added sugar:
– 365 by Whole Foods Market, Mayonnaise
– Chosen Foods 100% Avocado Oil-Based Classic Mayonnaise
Many other mayonnaises contain sugar as an ingredient but contain 0g of total sugar per serving.

No Added Sugar Mayonnaises – Item by Item
In this section, I will go through each of the seven entries I mentioned in the above table for the best no added sugar mayonnaises. I divided the list into no added sugar mayonnaises (the first three entries) and 0g of sugar per serving mayonnaises (the last four entries).
1. 365 by Whole Foods Market Mayonnaise
First up, 365 by Whole Foods mayonnaise. This mayonnaise does not contain any sugar as an ingredient and there is 0g of sugar per serving. Win. 365 mayonnaise is also made with organic cage-free eggs.
You can find it on Amazon here.
2. Duke’s Real Mayonnaise
Another added sugar mayonnaise comes from Duke’s. If you are looking for an old school no added sugar mayo then look no further than Duke’s. You can see what I mean about the old-school packaging on Amazon here.
3. Chosen Foods Avocado Oil-Based Classic Mayonnaise
The final no added sugar mayonnaise comes from Chosen Foods. This mayonnaise is a bit different as it contains avocado oil. So, if you love avocados and mayonnaise but don’t like sugar this may be the mayo for you.
This mayo is made from cage-free eggs, is dairy-free, and is also keto and paleo. You can find it on Amazon here.
0g of Sugar Per Serving Mayonnaise
4. Hellmann’s Mayonnaise
Hellman’s Mayonnaise is undoubtedly the market leader in mayonnaises. Hellman’s mayonnaise does contain sugar as an ingredient, but when you look at the ingredients you see it is not a significant source of sugar.
You can find Hellman’s mayo in a convenient squeeze bottle on Amazon here.
5. Sir Kensington’s Mayonnaise
Sir Kensington claims that their mayo gets better with every bite. What a claim! Their mayo is also made with certified humane free-range eggs. Sir Kensington’s mayo contains fair trade organic cane sugar as an ingredient, but just like with Hellman’s when you check the nutritional label you can see that this mayo does not have “a significant source of added or total sugar.”
You can see for yourself here on Amazon.
6. Blue Plate Real Mayonnaise
The next mayo on this list comes from Blue Plate. Blue Plates mayo has been knocking around is 1927 – so it must be good. Blue Plates mayo contains sugar as an ingredient but 0g of sugar per serving.
You can find Blue Plates mayo on Amazon here.
7. BetterBody Foods Avocado Oil Mayonnaise
The final mayo on this list is another avocado oil-based mayo. This time from BetterBody. BetterBody mayo is sweetened with coconut palm sugar, but it contains 0g of sugar per serving. You can find BetterBody Foods Avocado oil mayonnaise on Amazon here.
My Personal Favorite?
My personal choice has got to be Chosen Foods Avocado Oil-Based Classic Mayonnaise. I am a sucker for anything dairy and sugar-free. Plus, I love avocado oil!
Summary Table – Best Sugar Free Mayonnaise
Below is a summary table of my picks for seven of the best no added sugar mayonnaises. For each entry, I included whether it contains added sugar and the total sugar content per serving.
Best 0g Sugar Mayonnaises | Added Sugar? | Total Sugar Content Per Serving |
365 by Whole Foods Market Mayonnaise | No added sugar | 0g |
Duke’s Real Mayonnaise | No added sugar | 0g |
Chosen Foods Avocado Oil-Based Classic Mayonnaise | No added sugar | 0g |
Hellmann’s Mayonnaise | Added sugar | Not a significant source of sugar |
Sir Kensington’s Mayonnaise | Contains Fair Trade organic cane sugar | Not a significant source of added or total sugar |
Blue Plate Real Mayonnaise | Added sugar | 0g |
BetterBody Foods Avocado Oil Mayonnaise | Palm coconut sugar | 0g |

Sugar Free Mayonnaises F&Q
Is Hellman’s Mayonnaise Sugar-Free?
Hellman’s Mayonnaise contains sugar as an ingredient but “it is not a significant source of sugar”. This means there is not enough sugar per serving for Hellman’s to have to state there is 1g of sugar per serving on the nutritional label.
Is All Mayo Sugar-Free?
As a general rule, many mayonnaises contain sugar as an ingredient but in terms of nutrition, there is 0g of sugar per serving.
Is All Duke’s Mayo Sugar-Free?
Duke’s mayo is sugar-free.
How Much Sugar is in Duke’s Mayo?
There is no added sugar in Duke mayo and there is 0g of total sugar per serving.
Does Miracle Mayo Contain Sugar?
Miracle Whip dressing contains sugar and contains 1g of total sugar per serving. You can see it for yourself on Amazon here.
Which Has Less Sugar – Mayo or Miracle Whip?
As a general rule, mayo contains less sugar than miracle whip.
Does Light Mayo Contain Sugar?
Sometimes light mayonnaises are slightly higher in sugar than regular mayonnaises (this is because light mayonnaises tend to focus on lower calories and fat). For example, 365’s regular mayo does not contain any sugar at all whereas 365 light mayonnaise contains added sugar and 1g of total sugar per serving. You can see for yourself here on Amazon.
Is There a Lot of Sugar in Mayo?
As a general rule, although many mayonnaises contain sugar as an ingredient, they still contain 0g of total sugar per serving.

The Best Sugar Free Mayonnaise – The Final Bite
Best sugar free mayonnaise. What have we learned from the above? Well, when it comes to mayonnaise you can certainly find sugar free mayonnaise. All the entries I listed contain 0g of total sugars or are “not a significant source of sugar”. This is like the opposite of ketchup which can tend to be much higher in sugars. But it is okay, if you want to know the best sugar free ketchup brands you can read my post – 11 Best No Added Sugar Ketchup Brands – you can then grab some ketchup and some mayo and mix them together. Mind blown.
And Remember…

Ingredients and/or manufacturing processes may change. Always double-check ingredient lists and nutritional information before purchasing any food items.
Do you want to learn about some other low-sugar options at your favorite coffee chains, fast food, or restaurant joints, or just while you are shopping for groceries? If you do, then check out some of my other articles below: