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Are alternative chocolate milks high in sugar? Dairy-free chocolate milk. You know chocolate creamy “milk” that is made from almond, soy, oat, or even in some cases pea protein, bananas, or sunflower seeds. Yes, you read that all correctly. But how much sugar is in dairy-free chocolate milks like these? That is the question I want to answer in this post. How much sugar is in Dairy-Free Chocolate Milks?
I have already written an article looking at the sugar content of regular chocolate milks (which you can read here – Is There A Lot of Sugar in Chocolate Milk?) – but how about its plant-based counterparts?
To answer this question, I selected 13 alternative chocolate milks, ranging from oat, soy, almond, sunflower seed, pea protein, and banana-based milks. I then put these alternative chocolate milks into a list based on descending order of sugar content. Some of these chocolate milks are sweetened and some are not. That means you will want to make sure to read right to the end to find out about zero-sugar alternative chocolate milks.
So, let’s dig in, are alternative milks like almond and soy high in sugar?

How Much Sugar is in Alternative Chocolate Milks?
As a general rule, most alternative chocolate milks contain 11g-21g of total sugar per cup serving. There are some sweetened vegan chocolate milks that contain as little as 4g of sugar per serving and even some unsweetened chocolate almond milks that contain 0g of usage per serving.

Sweetened Alternative Chocolate Milks
I start my list by looking at the sweetened versions of alternative chocolate milks. All these milks are dairy-free and sweetened with sugar.
1. Silk Soy Chocolate Milk – 21g of Sugar
The highest sugar vegan chocolate milk on this list comes from Silk. Silk’s chocolate soy milk contains 21g of total sugar per 236ml serving. 20g of this added sugar.
Silk’s almond chocolate milk is a little lower in sugar content so make sure to check that entry out below at number 3.
2. Almond Breeze Chocolate Almondmilk – 18g of Sugar
Almond Breeze’s chocolate almond milk is slightly lower in sugar content at 18g of sugar per serving. 17g of these are added.
3. Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk – 17g of Sugar
There is 4g less sugar in Silk almond milk than in Silk soy milk. Yes, that’s right – there are 17g of total sugar in 236ml of Silk’s chocolate almond milk. So, if you are a fan of the Silk brand and want to try one of their chocolate milks, the almond version is a slightly lower sugar option.
All 17g of this sugar is added.
4. Ripple Chocolate Pea Milk – 15g of Sugar
Next up is a slightly more unusual vegan chocolate milk and that is from Ripple. Ripple’s chocolate milk is made from pea protein – how awesome is that?
There are 15g of sugar per serving and all 15g are added sugars.

5. 365 by Whole Foods Market Organic Chocolate Almond Milk – 14g of Sugar
Another day, another chocolate almond milk. This time from 365 by Whole Foods Market. 365’s chocolate almond milk contains 14g of total sugar per serving and all 14g are added sugars.
6. NotMilk Chocolate Plant-Based Milk – 14g of Sugar
NotNilk chocolate milk, just like Ripple is made from pea protein. It contains 14g of sugar per serving, 13g of which is added sugar.
7. Rise Brewing Co Chocolate Oat Milk – 13g of Sugar
Next is the first chocolate oat milk on this list and that is from Rise Brewing Co. This chocolate oat milk contains 13g of sugar per serving. All 13g are added sugar.
Make sure to read on to find out about another oat milk that only contains 4g of sugar per serving – yes that’s right – 4g of sugar.
8. Willa’s Organic Chocolate Oat Milk – 11g of Sugar
Willa’s chocolate oat milk is slightly lower in sugar at 11g of sugar (all 11g are added). Willa’s chocolate oat milk is actually sweetened a bit differently – it is sweetened with maple sugar.
9. Lattini Chocolate Non-Dairy Sunflower Milk – 11g of Sugar
Lattini makes super unusual chocolate milk – it is made with sunflower seeds. Just like Willa’s, there are 11g of sugar and all 11g are added.

10. Mooala Chocolate Banana Milk – 10g of Sugar
Next up is chocolate milk made of bananas. Yes, you read that correctly – bananas. I have already talked about Mooala’s unique alternative milks in the post I wrote on the sugar content of strawberry milks (How Much Sugar is in Strawberry Milk?).
Mooala’s chocolate banana milk is made from, you guessed it…bananas. As well as sunflower seeds. This chocolate milk is sweetened with organic cane sugar as well as stevia.
There are 10g of total sugar and 5g of added sugar per serving.
Just to give you a heads up – I personally really enjoyed this milk. Now, I am not going to lie it does have a “banana” flavor to it. But I enjoyed this. My kids on the other hand thought it was too banana in flavor and not chocolatey enough. So, there you have it.
11. Elmhurst Chocolate Milked Oats – 4g of Sugar
Next is the lowest sugar sweetened vegan chocolate milk on this list. And that comes from…drum roll, please. Elmhurst!
Elmhurst’s chocolate oat milk is sweetened with cane sugar yet there are only 4g of sugar per serving (all 4g are added). That is pretty good going.
If you are looking for a vegan chocolate milk that still has some sweetness to it but is lower in sugar content then Elmhurst is the one for you.
You can find Elmhurst chocolate milked oat milk on Amazon here.

Unsweetened Alternative Chocolate Milks
For the remaining entries on this list, I will share with you two unsweetened dairy-free chocolate milks available from grocery stores.
12. Almond Breeze Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk – 0g of Sugar
If you are looking for completely unsweetened vegan chocolate milk, then you should check out Almond Breeze’s unsweetened chocolate almond milk. I established above that Almond Breeze sweetened chocolate almond milk contains 18g of sugar per serving – but its unsweetened version contains 0g of sugar.
Yes, that’s right – 0g of sugar per serving.
There are no sweeteners or sugars in Almond Breeze unsweetened chocolate almond milk.
You can treat yourself to this sugar-free vegan chocolatey delight on Amazon here.
13. 365 by Whole Foods Market Unsweetened Organic Chocolate Almond Milk – 0g of Sugar
Finally, I have another sugar-free vegan chocolate almond milk – but one that is also organic. Talk about ticking all the boxes.
365’s unsweetened organic chocolate almond milk does not contain any sugar or sweeteners and there is 0g of sugar per serving. This chocolate milk doesn’t have any sweetness but it does still have cocoa vibes.
You can find this sugar-free chocolate almond milk on Amazon here.
This unsweetened vegan chocolate milk has really grown on me. It is now a staple in my fridge for making unsweetened iced mochas.

Sugar In Alternative Chocolate Milks F&Q
How Much Sugar is in Silk Chocolate Almond Milk?
Silk chocolate almond milk contains 17g of total sugar per cup serving – all 17g are added sugars.
How Much Sugar is in Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk?
Unsweetened chocolate almond milk tends to contain 0g of sugar per serving.
Which Contains More Sugar – Chocolate Almond Milk or Regular Chocolate Milk?
Regular chocolate milk tends to have a higher total sugar content than chocolate almond milk due to the naturally occurring sugar in milk. However, chocolate almond milk can be higher in added sugar.
Most regular chocolate milks contain 19g-29g of total sugar per serving and around half of this tends to be added. Sweetened chocolate almond milk tends to contain 14g-18g of total sugar per cup serving and all of this tends to be added.
Unsweetened chocolate almond milk tends to contain 0g of sugar per serving.
Is Chocolate Soy Milk High In Sugar?
Silk soy chocolate milk contains 21g of total sugar per cup serving. This sugar content is a little higher than most alternative chocolate milks.

Are Alternative Chocolate Milks (Almond, Soy, etc.) High in Sugar? – The Final Bite
Are alternative chocolate milks high in sugar? Well, based on my research I can tell you that it will be harder to find a sugar-free alternative to chocolate milk. Out of the 13 entries on my list, only two contain 0g of sugar. Two! Most types of dairy-free chocolate milks will be sweetened. However, the sugar content of sweetened milk varies a lot by brand. Just looking at my list the highest entry contained 21g of sugar and the lowest 4g of sugar. However, if you are looking for the lowest sugar option your best option is one of the 0g of sugar entries I list at entries 12 (Almond Breeze Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk) and 13 (365’s Unsweetened Organic Chocolate Almond Milk) on the list.
And Remember…

Ingredients and/or manufacturing processes may change. Always double-check ingredient lists and nutritional information before purchasing any food items.
Do you want to learn about some other low-sugar options at your favorite coffee chains, fast food, or restaurant joints, or just while you are shopping for groceries? If you do, then check out some of my other articles below: