How much sugar is in blueberry muffins

How Much Sugar is in Blueberry Muffins? Are Any Sugar-Free?

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How much sugar is in Blueberry Muffins? Blueberry Muffins. Yes, Blueberry muffins. Fun fact, did you know that Blueberry Muffins are the most popular muffin in America. They even have their own day – the 11th of July is National Blueberry Muffin Day. And for good reason. All that sweet blueberry fluffiness. But exactly how much sugar is in blueberry muffins? And do any sugar-free options exist? These are the questions I am going to be answering in this post.

To answer this question, I have collated the sugar content data of a selection of the following:

  • pre-made store-bought blueberry muffins;
  • blueberry muffin mixes; and
  • low-sugar blueberry muffin mixes.

So, if you want to find out about all the best sugar-free blueberry muffin options make sure to read to the end.

How much sugar is in blueberry muffins - Muffin

How Much Sugar is in Blueberry Muffins?

As a general rule, pre-made store-bought blueberry muffins contain the most sugar at 18g-23g per blueberry muffin. Muffins made with a blueberry muffin mix tend to be lower in sugar at 10.5g-15.5g. There are even some sugar-free blueberry muffin mixes that only contain 0g-3g of sugar per blueberry muffin.

Sugar in Pre-Made Blueberry Muffins

The most convenient and easiest kind of muffin to grab is the pre-made kind. However, how much sugar is in some of these premade muffins available from grocery stores?

1. Walmart Freshness Guaranteed Blueberry Muffins – 23g of Sugar

Okay, so let’s start off by looking at the sugar content in a blueberry muffin that you may purchase at the grocery store. Walmart’s Freshness Guaranteed Blueberry muffins are the pretty standard blueberry muffins you can grab packs of in grocery stores.

They are sweetened with sugar and contain 23g of sugar per muffin.

2. Udis Gluten Free Blueberry Muffins – 21g of Sugar

Udis gluten-free blueberry muffins are also sweetened with sugar and have a similar sugar content of 21g of sugar.

This means a gluten-free blueberry muffin is likely not to have too much difference in sugar from a regular glutenous muffin.

3. Otis Spunkmeyer Delicious Essentials Wild Blueberry Muffins – 18g of Sugar

Frozen-wrapped blueberry muffins contain a similar sugar content. Otis Spunkmeyer frozen wrapped blueberry muffins contains 18g of sugar per muffin.

Pre-made Blueberry Muffins – Conclusion

What’s the conclusion on the sugar content of pre-made blueberry muffins? Well, it seems safe to conclude that most pre-made blueberry muffins contain around 18g-23g of sugar per muffin.

Sugar-free – Pre-Made Blueberry Muffin

4. Walmart Sugar-free Blueberry Muffins – 2g of Sugar

Okay, so now to the most exciting discovery when researching the sugar content of blueberry muffins. That is – Walmart has a sugar-free blueberry muffin!

Yes, you read that correctly.

A sugar-free blueberry muffin. These blueberry muffins do not contain sugar and instead are sweetened with maltitol. There are 0g of added sugar, 2g of total sugar, and 19g of sugar alcohol per blueberry muffin.

You can check these sugar-free blueberry muffins out at Walmart here.

How much sugar is in blueberry muffins - Muffin blueberry

Sugar In Blueberry Muffin Mixes

Now we have looked at the sugar content of pre-made blueberry muffins let’s look at the sugar content of blueberry muffins made with blueberry muffin mixes – are they lower in sugar?

5. Krusteaz Wild Blueberry Muffin Mix – 15.5g of Sugar

First up in terms of blueberry muffin mixes is Krusteaz wild blueberry muffin mix. There are 15.5g of sugar in one blueberry muffin made with this muffin mix.

6. Betty Crocker Wild Blueberry Muffin and Quick Bread Mix – 12.5g of Sugar

I can’t talk about muffin mixes and not talk about Betty Crocker. Betty Crocker’s wild blueberry muffin mix contains 12.5g of sugar per muffin as prepared.

7. Jiffy Blueberry Muffin Mix – 10.5g of Sugar

Jiffy blueberry mix is slightly lower in sugar at 10.5g of sugar per muffin.

Sugar-free – Blueberry Muffin Mixes

It seems that as a general rule, blueberry muffin mixes tend to contain 10.5g-15.5g of sugar per muffin as prepared.

This is lower than the 18g-23g of sugar that store-bought premade blueberry muffins tend to contain. So, if you love blueberry muffins but are watching your sugar intake then it may be a good idea to start baking at home.

Sugar In Low Sugar Blueberry Muffin Mixes

It gets even better, as I am now going to present you with 4 lower sugar blueberry muffin mixes that only contain 0g-3g of sugar per muffin.

8. Sweet Logic Keto Blueberry Muffin Mix – 3g of Sugar

First up in terms of lower sugar blueberry mixes is Sweet Logic keto blueberry muffin mix. I have talked about this blueberry muffin mix before in the post I wrote on the best low-sugar muffin mixes, which you can read here – 14 Sugar-free Muffin Mixes You Need To Know About.

This blueberry muffin mix is almond based and is sweetened with allulose and stevia and has only 3g of sugar in a muffin as prepared.

You can find Sweet Logic blueberry muffin mix on Amazon here.

9. Miss Jones Baking Keto Blueberry Muffin Mix – 2g of Sugar

Another low-sugar blueberry muffin mix that is available from Amazon is this blueberry muffin mix from Miss Jones. This mix is also almond based but is sweetened with erythritol and it contains 2g of sugar per muffin made as prepared.

You can find Miss Jones’s keto blueberry muffin mix on Amazon here.

This blueberry muffin mix also has the added benefits of being gluten-free and paleo.

10. Diabetic Kitchen Low Carb Blueberry Muffin Mix – 2g of Sugar

Another blueberry muffin mix that only contains a mere 2g of sugar per prepared muffin comes from Diabetic Kitchen.

This blueberry muffin mix is made from milled sunflower seeds and is sweetened with allulose, monk fruit and stevia. You can find Diabetic Kitchen blueberry muffin mix on Amazon here.

11. Lakanto Sugar-free Blueberry Muffin Mix – 0g of Sugar

The lowest sugar blueberry muffin option I came across in my search comes from Lakanto. This blueberry muffin mix from Lakanto is sweetened with erythritol and monk fruit and contains 0g of total sugar per muffin.

Yes, you read that correctly – 0g of sugar.

I mean 0g of sugar is unbeatable right? You can find Lakanto blueberry muffin mix on Amazon here.

If you are interested, I have talked about Lakanto several times before here at Low Sugar Snax. You can read more about them in my following posts:


Sugar In Blueberry Muffins F&Q

How Much Sugar is in a Blueberry Muffin?

As a general rule, there are 18g-23g of sugar in a pre-made Blueberry muffin.

What Kind of Sugar is in Blueberry Muffins?

Most blueberry muffins are sweetened with cane sugar.

How Much Sugar is in Blueberry Muffin Mix?

As a general rule, there are 10.5g-15.5g of sugar in a serving of blueberry muffin mix. There are 0g-3g of sugar in a serving of low/zero sugar blueberry muffin mix.

How Much Sugar is in Betty Crocker Blueberry Muffin Mix?

There are 12.5g of sugar per muffin made as prepared with Betty Crocker Blueberry muffin mix.

How much sugar is in blueberry muffins - blueberries

How Much Sugar is in Blueberry Muffins? Are Any Sugar-free? – The Final Bite

How much sugar is in Blueberry Muffins? It is a great question. So, what have we learned? Well, if you are watching your sugar intake and love Blueberry Muffins there are some options out there. The most convenient and easiest is Walmart’s Sugar-Free Blueberry Muffins which contain 2g of total sugar. If you are willing to bake a little, then there are plenty of muffin mixes that will let you create lower-sugar muffins. However, if you want a completely sugar-free muffin mix then you must choose Lakanto Blueberry muffin mix which creates sugar-free blueberry muffins. Sweet!

And Remember…

Low Sugar Drinks at McDonald's

Ingredients and/or manufacturing processes may change. Always double-check ingredient lists and nutritional information before purchasing any food items.


Do you want to learn about some other low-sugar options at your favorite coffee chains, fast food, or restaurant joints, or just while you are shopping for groceries? If you do, then check out some of my other articles below: